Catch Up in Pictures 1.18 – 1.28.13


Cameron and Daddy FaceTiming in Target – The new sleep sack a sewed Cameron!

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“Just Because” flowers from my boys – And Cameron enjoying a shower.   

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He is so proud to sit at the bar. “I SIT!!!” – He’s at the age where pictures are annoying him.

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For the first time ever, he fell asleep on the floor! – Playing at the rec center pool.

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Daddy got a new toy! – Cameron and Ava playing “doctor.”

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Happy early birthday to me! – Cameron enjoying his Birthday Cake ice cream.

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The morning he had the biggest poop-splosion ever! – 1.25.13 my niece Charlotte was born!

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Charlotte Elisabeth (left) and Cameron (right) – Our goof with two pacis.

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Didn’t think I’d have a preference for baby #2. I SO want a girl! – We FINALLY got some snow (a whopping 2 inches!)


Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss

1 comment:

  1. very cute!

    The picture where he is sleeping on the floor, is that taken from a wall mounted camera or something?
